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Cyber Security Technology 404 Computer Club officers. Left to right: Historian Michael Leung, Vice President Brett McFee and President Isaias Martinez. Not Pictured: Treasurer Westin Chauvin.


Inspired by the most common computer error, the 404 Computer Club was formed making it the first official student club at Texas State Technical College in Fort Bend County.

 The 404 Computer Club was founded by four Cyber Security Technology students placing it under the program’s umbrella.

 “We wanted a creative name but something (computer code) everyone is familiar with,” said Isaias Martinez, club president. “And the 404 error is the most common and recognized.”

 The 404 Error Page is the page displayed when someone is browsing a website and a page cannot be found.

 Martinez and the club’s executive board; Vice President Brett McFee, Treasurer Westin Chauvin and Historian Michael Leung said they have big plans for the club.

 With some community service under their belts, the club leaders hope to continue doing projects that will enhance Rosenberg and the surrounding communities in addition to combining technology with their activities and projects.

 “One of our primary goals as a club is to reinforce the skills we learn in the classroom,” said McFee. “Currently we’re looking into our options and into what we can and cannot do.”

 A few of the ideas the club’s officers hope to begin soon are; a computer repair program, a replica arcade game cabinet for the college in which they will perform all computer programming, and guest speakers series featuring industry leaders.

 “We’re going to work hard to achieve these things,” said McFee. “And once our membership really grows, we’ll be able to reach our goals.”

 McFee said this is only the club’s first active semester so they are encouraging students in Cyber Security Technology to join and get involved.

 “This year we’re going to establish ourselves as an organization among our peers,” said Martinez. “Our goal is to grow membership and make it a great experience.”

 Cyber Security Technology is also offered at TSTC’s Marshall, North Texas, Waco and Williamson County campuses offering certificate and associate degree tracks.

 Registration for Summer and Fall 2017 begins April 3. Register or apply anytime at or call 364-239-3409.

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