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Pictured left to right: Callie Coester, vice president for Project Operations E&C Americas; Dean Hamrick, director of Human Resources - Construction/Fabrication and Craft Services; Roland Adamson, second vice chairman for the TSTC Foundation; and Randall Wooten, vice chancellor and chief execution officer for TSTC. 


 Texas State Technical College has received a $10,000 donation from Houston-based Fluor Corporation, a global engineering and construction company, to fund the college’s Texan Success Scholarship campaign.

 The donation is matched by TSTC dollar-for-dollar and is awarded to new, full-time students to assist with tuition, books and other expenses.

 “A partnership like this significantly increases our ability to provide a high quality education for our students while increasing the TSTC brand in Fort Bend County,” said Vice Chancellor and Chief Execution Officer Randall Wooten.

 Wooten said Fluor has also expressed interest in hiring TSTC graduates, participating in an intern program and placing representatives to serve on the college’s Welding Technology Advisory Committee.

 “We are pleased to partner with TSTC in its efforts to provide scholarships to students. Investing in organizations that provide best-in-class student training is what’s required to prepare the next generation, to not only find jobs, but to grow into careers, “ said Callie Coester, vice president of Project Operations E&C Americas at Fluor. “We look forward to continuing our partnership with TSTC in the future.”

 Wooten added that having a partnership with a large corporation like Fluor will play a huge role in supporting the college’s mission of placing more Texans in good paying jobs.

 “The recruiters at Fluor will know our instructors and be able to observe the work of our students,” he said. “In essence, they will be able to hire the top performers and place them in high paying jobs which fulfills our state mandate of placing more Texans in great paying jobs.”

 TSTC’s Industrial Technology Center opened in August and is expanding with its second building scheduled to open in Fall 2017. Wooten said with TSTC growing in the Fort Bend market, the partnership with Fluor could not have come at a better time.

 “This partnership adds a tremendous level of credibility to TSTC in Fort Bend County as we continue to grow in the market. We appreciate Fluor’s forward thinking and support,” Wooten said. “And as we expand we will continue to look for other industry partners who will benefit from the work of our highly-trained students.”

Wooten would like to encourage other large corporations to invest in TSTC.

 “We feel that there will be other large companies that will be willing to invest in TSTC because of the reputation that we have earned throughout the state of Texas,” he said.

 For more information on the Texan Success Scholarship and how you can do your part to help a deserving student, call 346-239-3417.

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